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Take the time to invest in yourself and your future, because that is where you are going to spend the rest of your life. An investment in yourself is a great example of self-love, and may very well be the most profitable investment you will ever make. Here are a few ideas:

  • Invest in your relationships with those you love: Don’t forget your family and close friends in the name of building your career or business. This is paramount to your sense of fulfillment and success.
  • Invest in your personal image: Develop an image that is friendly, professional and inviting and convey an impression that demonstrates trust.
  • Invest in your self-confidence: It will determine whether you stand up for yourself or not and give you the courage to leave a dysfunctional relationship. It will help you act on your business plan and will most likely be the determining factor in whether you succeed or not.
  • Invest in a library: The person you become tomorrow has a lot to do with the books you read today. You will never learn enough through your own experience to out-think your competition. Building a library will accelerate your personal and professional growth.
  • Invest in technology to stay up to speed: Stay in touch with clients and invest in a website that will serve both as a marketing tool as well as a resource pool for them. Using your website less for marketing and more for empowering clients will help convey your commitment to them.
  • Invest in a competent and professional assistant and learn to delegate effectively. You will never be able to move to the next level until you free up some more time to build relationships and focus on the right tasks that would help build your business.
  • Invest in your finances: A lot of people say that money won’t bring you any happiness but being financially independent will give you the freedom to do the things you love a lot more. And that definitely does bring a measure of fulfillment.
  • Invest in healthy habits: Your physical and emotional health is essential for your productivity. . If you aren’t healthy, you will have to spend your resources dealing with health issues.Build healthy habits in three areas: the way you eat, rest and exercise.
  • Invest in your spirituality: Like it or not, there will be difficult times. In such times, it’s your spiritual habits like praying or reading the scriptures that will help you through. The important thing is that you do it now before a difficult time comes.

As Rick Warren once said, “You are going to go through life either by design or by default.” So be proactive and work towards becoming the best version of yourself. Hopefully you will inspire others around you to do the same.